Best at-home exercises & workouts without equipment

The Report Desk

Published: October 2, 2022, 11:36 AM

Best at-home exercises & workouts without equipment

Regular exercise is essential for good health, but there are times, such as weekends or festival season, when you may not feel like going to the gym but still want to get your workout done with minimum efforts. The rainy season can interfere in our fitness routine as we mostly get lazy and dizzy in this weather.

Both your body and mind will benefit greatly from exercising. Starting from better sleep to less anxiety, and from less weight gain to a lower risk of diseases.

Indoor workouts, such as walking, dancing, skipping, zumba, pilates, or yoga, can be done at home. 


There is certainly a yoga style out there for you, no matter what your needs or skills are. Try a quiet, meditative technique like hatha or yin if you're seeking for soft stretches. Try a power yoga class if you're looking for something a little more challenging. There are YouTube tutorials, which will help you with your Yoga exercises.


Dance is fantastic for your physical and mental health, whether it's free-form dancing to your favorite pop music, a carefully organized hip-hop routine, or waltzing around your living room with a partner. Depending on the type, dancing can help you burn between 250 and 500 calories per hour.


Pilates exercises come in two varieties: those that require special studio equipment and those that can be done on a mat or other soft surface just anywhere. While using Pilates equipment likely requires going to a studio, you can easily do it at home too.


Aerobic dance techniques like Zumba can be a great training program if you love to dance and want to lose more weight. Zumba combines a variety of dancing forms with entertaining routines. You can get DVDs to learn the dance steps while also learning through the internet lessons. All ages can participate in Zumba.


Skipping is simple, strengthens your upper and lower limbs, and employs your core for stability. In just ten minutes, skipping can burn nearly 200 calories. 

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