World Contraception Day 2021: Why we must learn about contraception

The Report Desk

Published: September 26, 2021, 11:13 AM

World Contraception Day 2021: Why we must learn about contraception

Every year World Contraception Day is observed on September 26 to spread the message about the importance of contraception and various methods to achieve it. 

Started in 2007, the aim of the day is to raise awareness about the importance of birth control and family planning, so that an individual can make an informed choice.

Contraception not only allows individuals to make planned pregnancies, it also help them avoid unwanted ones. Besides, contraception goes a long way in helping individuals avoid sexually transmitted infections.

Among young adults, awareness of contraception is very crucial. According to the WHO, almost 95% of women want to avoid a second pregnancy within 24 months of childbirth. However, of these, almost 70% do not have access to contraception.

Why various contraceptive methods?

Contraception can be used for various purposes, as it has its own individual, community, and societal benefits.

Family planning

Contraception can be used to plan when people want to have children and how many do they want. Contraception allows people to decide the number of children they want, when they want them. This is everybody’s right under the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Reduces Pregnancy related risks

Young adults are especially at risk. Contraception allows them to avoid having children until their bodies are fully able to support a pregnancy. It can also prevent pregnancy in older people, who may face pregnancy-related risks.

Contraceptive ways help reduce the need for abortion by preventing unwanted pregnancies. It, therefore, reduces cases of unsafe abortion, which is one of the leading causes of maternal death worldwide.

Healthy babies

Pregnancies that are too close together or poorly timed contribute to high infant mortality rates i.e. the rate at which babies die within their first year of life. Contraceptive use helps people plan their pregnancies, so that they can ensure baby is getting the best care before and after birth.

Population control

Contraceptive methods control population growth. This is important because overpopulation puts pressure on the environment, economy, and services such as education and health.

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