10 ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19

The Report Desk

Published: April 27, 2022, 12:27 PM

10 ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19

There was a huge surge in COVID-19 during the winter Omicron wave, particularly among children. So, we all should be careful about our safety. 


The best way to prevent spreading the disease is to avoid being exposed to the virus. Here are the top 10 ways you can help reduce the spread of COVID-19:


1. Get the COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible


2. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after any activity


3. Wear a mask or cloth face covering


4. Maintain social distancing. Work from home if possible, and avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces


5. Clean "high-touch" surfaces regularly


6. Cover coughs and sneezes


7. Monitor your health daily


8. Follow safety guidelines when traveling


9. Prepare for your needs in case you’ll need to stay home for an extended period


10. Have a plan if you get sick

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