US urges UN to condemn North Korea; China, Russia blame US


Published: February 21, 2023, 01:10 PM

US urges UN to condemn North Korea; China, Russia blame US

The United States and its allies urged the UN Security Council on Monday to condemn North Korea’s unlawful ballistic missile launches, but China and Russia blamed the U.S. for escalating tensions with stepped-up military exercises targeting Pyongyang.

At the emergency meeting, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the council that the United States will propose a presidential statement, saying at a minimum all 15 members should be agreeable to condemning the North’s unprecedented missile launches, to urging Pyongyang to comply with U.N. Security Council sanctions resolutions, and “to engage in meaningful dialogue.”

A presidential statement from the Security Council requires the support of all its members, including North Korea‍‍`s closest allies, China and Russia.

But Pyongyang‍‍`s allies China and Russia countered that what’s needed now is dialogue between North Korea and the Biden administration, a de-escalation of military exercises, an easing of sanctions on North Korea, and approval of a resolution they circulated in November 2021 aimed at resolving the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

That resolution urges the Security Council to end a host of sanctions against North Korea and calls on the US and North Korea to resume dialogue and consider taking steps to reduce tensions and the risk of military confrontation including by adopting a declaration or peace treaty formally ending the 1950-53 Korean War. The war ended with an armistice, leaving the peninsula technically in a state of war.

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