Talk therapy for dementia patients for better mental health

The Report Desk

Published: October 15, 2022, 02:07 PM

Talk therapy for dementia patients for better mental health

Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety are common in people with dementia; earlier studies found that 38% of people with mild dementia experience these issues.

A recent study led by UCL researchers found that talking therapy offered by the NHS may be beneficial for dementia patients who suffer anxiety or depression.

IAPT is a free NHS program that provides guided self-help, counseling, and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), with sessions offered in person, in groups, or online. It also provides therapy supported by research for the treatment of depression and anxiety.

According to the researchers, the talk therapy was clinically successful for dementia patients because 63% of them reported reduced sad and anxious symptoms after undergoing IAPT. In the process, 40% of people reached full recovery.

The investigation of effectiveness of psychological therapies for dementia patients is the largest one till date. Findings suggest that psychological therapies offered in primary care mental health institutions can be beneficial for people with dementia, despite having a lower chance of recovery or improvement than those without dementia.

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